Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day 15 - Sarchu - Leh

Heading to Leh, a lower altitude 3,500m above sea level and pleasant weather at around 16 degree Celsius in the day and 8-10 degree Celsius at night

We are now encounters Himalaya Range & Ladakh Range

Ever imagine the combination of Ladakh & Himalaya ranges

Musa missed his family, me too

It is cold out there, can he find his 'buah pleh'?

Different characters of the mountains

Altitude 16,616 feet above sea level

Awang's bike spark plugs have problem, we have to unload his luggage to access to his tools. Dismantled the plugs and try to change the spares that we carry....oh no, the size is slightly different....is not meant for r1150gs. We cleaned it with Shrini's petrol's.
40 minutes at the altitude of 16,616' and temperature of -2 degree Celsius, starting to feels my stomach discomfort and is a sign of High Altitude Sickness......we finished it off and move quick down the mountain.

Ohhhhhh.....what a day, we arrive Leh at 7.30pm & still bright

Sunday, June 21, 2009

DAy 14 - Kyelang - Barallaca - Sarchu

Shri, Bombay's rider we meet at Kyelang & going to join us to Leh

Musa's bike out of fuel? you must be kidding? Gs Adventure had 33 liters!

BJL 12 with Himalaya as the back bone

Its snowing, yeehaaaa....nice feeling, this my first time riding in the snow

My on board computer shows -1 degree Celsius at 1400 hours

I need a rain coat to keep my body warm

The youngest man from Xplorider team, Mr Alex Wong on top of the world

Awang's out of Salem, have to get Indian cigarette - Gold Flake

Awang checking out the snow mountains, worrying about the Avalanche

Awang & Musa approaching Sarchu, weather is getting better 3 degree celsius

Along Manali - Leh, 70% off road....king of the mountains

Azman's luminous rain coat, well...really a good idea on this kind of weather

Musa enjoying the snow falls on his head

Hey friends, can you see the snow?

Musa topple during river crossing, its cold, you mind & body just can't co-ordinate

Our bike covers with snows

Awang's bike covered with snows

Awang sleeping tent -5 degree at night

The camping ground and tents full of snows

Ground covered with snow - far is our bikes

That's how Azman reacts to -5 degree Celsius

How did Awang & Musa take it? No problem only -5 degree Celsius

Thank you my darling, Jenny for her hand made wools sweater and neck tube, otherwise i will be frozen that night